Sent an email to friends this morning reflecting on our Laguna visit. In the interest of reaching a wider audience, I'm posting here on my website, too:
Life is short, Art long, opportunity fleeting, experience treacherous, judgement difficult. ~ Hippocrates (460 - 400 BC)
Hi Friends,
Somehow or other we survived the rapid and serendipitous round trip to Laguna, and are perforce still in high gear, with multiplied tasks facing us.
Now that I've been in a parade, I hope I don't have to do that again. It was very flattering, I think, but equally uncomfortable for a dedicated recluse.
I haven't listened to it yet, but I think the KX 93.5 radio interview went well. At least I kept both feet out of my mouth. It will be up as a podcast any day now, for those who may have interest. Billy Fried, the interviewer, turned out to be everything I could have hoped for. Tempus Fugitive, the 60s memoir, was there, as a book between covers, in time for us to talk about it
Tempus Fugitive hit the table as a short first printing. Apparently the 2nd printing is right around the corner, as this one is flying out most congenially. There are a few corrections to be made, but on the whole I'm stoked. One redundancy needs to be addressed, and an incorrect transposal of captions on two of the hundred or so pictures.
Concurrrently, Bill Kirkley's documentary of the same era, Orange Sunshine, is now released, for added serendipity. Rolling Stone has said it is one of the 25 "must see" films of the year! I haven't seen it yet, myself, but I think I may be in it.
More as appropriate.
Best regards,